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Miss Quintessential reviews !

Well .. Schmurrr ! Talking about 'ME' is just so darn difficult . I love reading . And this blog is wholly dedicated to that . As far as my taste in book goes , I love reading NA , dark romances , and a bit of a mix between YA and NA from time to time . I enjoy PNR as well but only when I'm in the mood for it ! Romance is a MUST !


If the book is a guaranteed Mind fuck , then HELL YEAH !

Reblogged from Bookivorous:

Bahaha ! Book buddies <3

Love this series !!

My Lady Quicksilver - Bec McMaster

5 'tis buttons are gonna be the death of me' stars !!!

Lynch speared a hand into her hair with a sharp hiss. “I should take my belt to you for this.” He spilled her back into the chair, his body driving hers into the soft cushions. His eyes were black again but she wasn’t afraid. Not this time. She knew exactly what sort of hunger she’d aroused in him.
She was winning.
“Would you like that, my lord?” She arched her back, sliding her hands up his chest.“Would you like me to bend over your desk and remove my drawers?”
He groaned, tilting her head back sharply. “Fuck.” His other fingers traced her lips. “You’ll pay for that. I want to kiss you, Rosa.”


Me thinks that this the best book in the series soo far ! Straight up , no questions asked !

Sir Jasper Lynch has 3 weeks to find Mercury , the leader of a rebellion humanists group hell - bent on overthrowing the blue bloods and royals from ruling people giving the humans their rights , or he will have to take her place and share her punishment ! Mercury a.k.a Rosalind wants to find her brother Jeremy , and the only way she can do it is by joining The Nighthawks and becoming secretary to Jasper Lynch . But how is that possible ?!! You'll just have to read it and find that out !

This was such an whirlwind-ish ride , that I couldn't stop reading it . Sucked in right from Page 1 , the reader is thrown into the turmoil that is Lynch and Rosalind's life . On the professional front , both are too good for their own good . Rosalind is fearless and sassy . While Lynch doesn't know how to give up  .  But on the personal level , both are lonely and suffering . Trying to forget their past or just coming to terms with guilt , life has always been a struggle for our lead pair .

If there is one thing that I absolutely loved about this story , then it was the way Rosa and Lynch's relationship developed . The sexual tension between these two is evident right from the start , but both have their reasons to not give in . There were some really sweet , some funny and a lot of steamy moments ! McMaster really knows how to seduce her readers !

Bec McMaster's steampunk world is absolutely stunning . Where the first two books were majorly concerned on the ' Whitechapel' part of London , this one dealt with the ongoing's of Echleon city . Oh and also the Undertown , home of the dangerous and criminals !

I don't wanna talk too much and reveal a lot of details , plus there is a lot going on in this book that is wholly connected to the previous ones !

You guys have got to read this series ! Its fuckin awesome !

Oooooh lookie !!!
Oooooh lookie !!!

Given a second chance, music journalist Dawn Emerson and guitarist Sage Knightly are reunited, only to have their lives threatened again by a demonic bargain. The sequel to THE DEVIL’S METAL, from USA Today bestselling author Karina Halle.

When Dawn Emerson got the chance to go on tour with her favorite metal band, Hybrid, she thought she landed the writing gig of the century. But what started off as a dream for the budding music journalist quickly turned into a nightmare that she and guitarist Sage Knightly barely escaped alive.

Now, months after they went their separate ways, Sage invites Dawn to accompany him on his first solo tour across Europe and write about it for Creem Magazine. But like the last tour, nothing is as easy as it seems. Sage is a broken man on the path to self-destruction and Dawn isn’t sure if she’s the right person to save him. And aside from having to pick up the pieces of their burgeoning relationship, they have to negotiate the mysterious new photographer assigned to Dawn’s story, as well as vindictive promoters and demonic groupies they thought they’d never see again.

Because this time, it’s Dawn who made a deal with the devil and the only thing worse than having to uphold a bargain with the prince of darkness is not remembering how you’re supposed to pay it back.

It may be with their souls.

THE DEVIL’S REPRISE is the sequel to THE DEVIL’S METAL and the final book in this series.

Awwwwwwwww !

Reblogged from Brin's Book Blog:

Reblogged from Curiouser :
Ashes to Ashes (Experiment in Terror #8)  - Karina Halle


It’s been two months since Perry Palomino and Dex Foray’s relationship reached a new turning point, two months since Perry started a new life in Seattle, and two months since their Experiment in Terror show took on a new partner, ex-Wine Babe Rebecca Sims, and found a new level of success. But whenever there is light in their lives, the madness still has a way of coming back in.

When the team is sent back to the stormy Oregon coast to investigate a haunted school, Perry wants to use the opportunity to reconnect with her family and reintroduce Dex into their lives. Only Perry’s not the only one who’s reaching out – her grandmother Pippa has started appearing to her with disturbing warnings and Perry’s presence at the school has ignited a chilling new wave of supernatural phenomenon. Once used a century ago as a sanatorium to house children dying of tuberculosis, the school’s past residents are slowly coming back to life and with one thing on their mind. They want someone to play with, someone to join them. Forever.

Even when dead, some children get whatever they want.

And they want Perry.



I need more ... Sooo much more ! Steampunk madness galore !

Corroded - Karina Cooper

“What, then?” I whispered, a harsh inquiry. “Will you lay claim where there is nothing to gain?”
Hawke’s mouth curled up, a cruel edge chiseled in exquisite resolve. “You lie, my lady.”
I winced at the courtesy. “Do I? You’re familiar enough with the precepts of flesh for demand—”
He shifted, and hard fingers bit at my cheeks, silencing my provocation. “Lie to yourself if you must,” he breathed against my lips, “but you will never lie to me.”


This book .... Its ....


Cherry is in a very dark place as we begin our journey into Corroded . Well , after what happened in Gilded , I don't see how anybody would expect something else . With nowhere else to go and constantly taunted by the events that concluded Gilded , Cherry is dead set on revenge . And she doesn't care if she has to end up in that one place that she vowed she'll never be a part of , The Midnight Menagerie ! Walking a fine line between Insanity and Vengeance , Cherry will have to decide what will she keep at stake to get what she wants !

I think Corroded is the best book in the series so far . The first 20% did seem a little too stretchy as Cherry was constantly in her head about how Opium is the answer to every question , a solution for any problem , a medicine for the disease . But as the story gets deeper into Cherry's plan to catch the Ripper and her stalker , it just explodes ! Like , IN YOUR FACE !

Just like how the previous books were divided between Cherry's time in London proper and London below the drift , this book majorly deals with Cherry's time trying to capture the culprits and Cherry's time in the menagerie !

Oh dear lord , that house is freakin crazy !

And speaking of crazy , we have to about Micajah Hawke !

How can my review be complete without him .. :P ...

Now , my biggest peeve about the last book in this series was , how Hawke did not get a lot of screen time .. But here , * fans-self * lets just say that Hawke knows how to turn on the heat ...



Cherry and Hawke's relationship in Corroded is explosive and steamy . But the more I read it , the more I kinda caught myself asking , ' What is it that Hawke exactly feels for her .. ? " . I mean , I understand the Cage does not do , delicate or gentle . But there were instances that I felt that he thinks of Cherry as his prized possession . But then again , there totally came a moment where I just felt that , 'hell no , what the fuck ! ' and I totally went



To sum it all up , I'd say Corroded just takes everything that we know , puts in a grinder and turns into a big mixture of 'WTF' ! I'm pretty sure from here on things are about to get waaay more interesting for Cherry and everybody else ! As always , a lot of questions were answered . The identity of the Stalker collector who made Cherry's life was revealed , and oh my god ! I had a feeling as to who it could be , but I soo didn't want that to be true !

Read this series people , its fuckin amazing !!!

I can't wait to see what's next in this series !


Reading The Cherry St.Croix Chronicle's by Karina Cooper ... Nothing like a Steampunk playlist to listen along ! Nothing says Steampunk better than Abney Park :)

Reblogged from Bookivorous:
Lucid (Brightest Kind of Darkness, #2) - P.T. Michelle

Sigh !


This was good , but I kinda missed Ethan . Damn the boy was missing throughout the book !



Tarnished - Karina Cooper My name is Cherry St. Croix. I am a collector, one of the many who are employed to acquire, kill or investigate for bounties. My rules are simple: I don’t collect children, and I don’t murder for coin. Truth be told, I’ve never killed for any reason.

This book is one of the many reasons as to why I love Steampunk ! A perfect mix of Mystery , Gothic , horror , thrill , subtle humor , romance and obviously .. Steampunk , Tarnished takes the readers on a wild ride through the streets of Victorian London .

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Cue Music : Twisted and Broken - Abney Park

Set in the 1888's , Tarnished is the story of Cherry St. Croix -daughter of a mad scientist - who lives a dual life . During the day , she is a proper Victorian miss , dressed up in gowns and being taught the ways to snatch herself a good husband . But at night , Cherry disguises herself as Miss Black , a bounty hunter or Collector as they are usually called wandering the streets of London looking for criminals and vagrants , and delivering them to the concerned parties for a certain amount of money ... Why she needs the money you ask ? You see , Cherry has two addictions . One : Her love for science and scientific tools and two : her love for Opium . Cherry lost her parents in a fire while she was just a little girl . Bought up on the streets and forced to live a life under a ringmaster who keeps his performers ( mostly kids ) pumped up with opium , Cherry has had a difficult time kicking the habit . Now she just uses it to keep her nightmares at bay , meaning , she takes them every night. Therefore the job of a bounty hunter !

Just like how Cherry lives a dual life , she has two interesting dudes keeping her company , or more , taking a keen interest in her . First its the son of the Marchioness , Lord Compton . A respected name amongst the high rankers . A mysterious figure himself , Lord Compton finds Cherry different from the odd assortment of women in the society . Personally I dont like him that much . The man may have class , but puhlease ! He isn't just that yummy . I think Cherry is better off without him .

And secondly and oh my god yummily .. we have The guy who runs the Midnight Menagerie , Micajah Hawke a.k.a Cage !

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Ummmmm hello hotness !

Micajah Cage , like Lord Compton is quite a mysterious figure too . But I gotta tell you . The lord ain't got nothing on Cage , son ! Dark , brooding and always in control , Hawke is the man behind the Pleasure Garden Of London ! I think Cherry describes him the best when she says that if The Menagerie is the pleasure garden then Hawke is the tempting snake of sin ! I couldn't agreeeeee more !

Getting back on track here , the story deals with Cherry trying to find a creep who is murdering the 'sweets' ( prostitutes ) and taking a piece of their body ( could be an organ or something ) with him as trophy of job well done . What a moron ! And to make matters worse someone is stalking Cherry too ! What or who is this creep ? Is it the same person or two different people ? Well , you'll have to find that out for yourself .

Things I loved about this book :

- Cherry ! She absolutely rocks ! Move over hero's , there is a new butt kicker in town who wears a sexy corset while she's doing it ! I loved the fact that Cherry isn't in no sense a perfect female lead . Her addiction to Opium , the fact that she despises the 'fake' society she lives in , her need to do good by those who care for her shows that she isn't perfect . But that's not stopping here for doing goodness !

- The World building in this book took my breath away . Victorian London is divided into 2 ! There is London proper . Imagine the city on stilts ! Yup , London proper is almost in the sky , to be travelled on Ferry ships or Gondolas ! Its the resident ground for the rich and famous . You wont find the middle , working class community there . And then we have London below the drift . This is that part of the city that is mostly populated by the working class and Pollution . Yup , you read that right . The city is in a constant state of fog . Industrial smoke and sludge from factories and turned a once beautiful city into a breeding grounds for diseases !

- Mystery galore ! Loved the unique combination of Jack the Ripper and Frankenstein ! Enough said !

If Steampunk and romance is your cup of tea , then this book is for you my friend !

Bravo Karina Cooper , Bravo !

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Brightest Kind of Darkness (Brightest Kind of Darkness, #1) - P.T. Michelle,  Patrice Michelle “Ethan, this is just so hard—”
He suddenly stepped so close that I tensed, even as my insides skittered in excitement. “I want to touch you, Nara, but I can’t,” he said in a low, tortured tone. “I want to kiss you, but I can’t. All I can do is watch you from a distance and it’s killing me.”

Sigh ... I love you Ethan ... You and your nightmares ... Marry Me !

Onto book 2 ...

The Evolution of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin headache gif photo: Ville Valo gif Headache.gif

I think I'm gonna die of heartburn waiting till June 2014 to read book 3 !! I shouldn't have read this .. I should've waited .. Shoulda .. Coulda .. waited !

But nooooooooo ! I couldn't could I .. ?!! I needed to know .. so here I am , trying not to give myself extreme heart palpitations !

Deep breathes bitch .. deep breaths !

Alright , here we go ...

“I must be made of nothing to feel so much nothing.”

Its kinda difficult to review this book , mainly because everything is messed up right from the very beginning .. Hell , everything has been messed up since the first book .

The Evolution of Mara Dyer begins right where The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer left us , at the police station where Mara see's someone who shouldn't even be there , someone who clearly shouldn't even be ALIVE !

As you can read , with that kinda ending one could totally imagine where the sequel could begin .. Yup , once again , the reader is swept into Mara's crazy world where the line between reality and imagination blurs in a way that it wont be wrong to say that it probably doesn't exists ! If you thought things were haywire in book 1 , then I'm not sure how to describe the events in book 2 !

Mara is paranoid . And you as a reader cant help but feel it too ! You will constantly find yourself asking questions like , ' WHAT ?! ' , ' WHY ?!' , ' IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE ?! ' and finally and most importantly , 'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ??!!! '

You know those books that manage to tear your heart out and make it feel like its been put through a shredder ?? Well , this book makes you feel like its your brain that's replaced your heart in that shredder !

Freakin twists and turns !

I also loved how Noah and Mara's relationship progressed to new heights ... I had almost forgotten how much I loved Noah Shaw .. But the guy is only seventeen . Well , a girl can wish right .. * sigh*

AND THAT ENDING ... !!!!!!

I ... I don't know ... I don't know what to believe ..

I WANT BOOK 3 right now !!

Armed and Dangerous (The IMA, #2) - Nenia Campbell “What are you doing?” I said faintly.
He paused, nipping lightly at my fingertips. He set down my hand without letting going of my wrists, and leaned in. “Well.” He let go of my left hand to pull my hair back from my ear. “That's what I want to do to your breasts, one after the other. Suck, and lick, and kiss, and bite—I'd do all those things until you squirmed down to that tight little pussy of yours. And everything above and below and in between. I want to fuck you with my mouth and I want to take my time at it, until all you can say is yes and please.”
He paused.
“And then, when I felt like you'd asked me sweet enough, I'd lay you back down nice and gentle. Fuck you face-to-face so I can see every single reaction on that beautiful face. So I can feel you say my name against my mouth while I'm kissing you. So you can see how much I want you when I bring you to the best orgasm of your life.”

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I need book 3 like right now !!

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Nenia , hurry up woman !

Review to follow ....
Cloak and Dagger (The IMA, #1) - Nenia Campbell “There are two things about me you should know. Don't fight me, unless you're prepared to kill me. And don't kiss me, unless you're prepared to fuck me.”

Well damn those fucking

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Nenia Campbell , I love you !!

That is all ... for now !

Full review to follow !

I need to read book 2 ASAP !

Terrorscape (Horrorscape, #3) - Nenia Campbell “What's the matter, Valerian? You don't think I could bring myself to mark your lovely skin? I'll take my knife to you, if that's the case. I'll carve my name in your breast so that every beat of your heart will remind you that you are mine— and mine alone. Because blood is binding, and because I would rather see you destroyed than see you free or in the possession of another, so I suggest you not try me, or you will suffer as no earthly creature has.”

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I'm not sure how to review this book .. I mean , like , where do I begin .. ? Do I start with the characters , or do I start with the story or the plot line ??

2 days .. 2 freakin days and I'm still trying to comprehend what did I read ...

Terrorscape follows a totally different theme for the rest of the books .. Except for Gavin and Val , the scenario , the people involved , the game .. everything is different , yet the same .. What was also different and kinda same at the same time was Gavin and Val's relationship !!! Holy motherfreakers ... these two are just crazy ..

With the hand that wasn't holding onto her, he touched two fingers to his lip. The pad of his fingers was smeared red, staining the whorls of the skin. He stared at the blood for a moment, then looked at her through narrow eyes. She recoiled when she saw his arm flex, thinking he was going to hit her, and when she gasped he smeared his fingers all over her lips.

There is revenge , fear , desire , curiosity , guilt and then there is lust !

Gavin is still VERY dangerous and Val is clearly lost . It almost seemed that she has forgotten how to live the life of a normal 18 yr old ! She was a total robot running on an automated program !

Some of my emotions whilst reading this book :

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and then ...

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and then finally , the ending ...

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That is all folks .. If you haven't read this series .. PLEASE READ IT !

Horrorscape (Horrorscape, #2) - Nenia Campbell 5 I-need-more-alcohol-in-my-system-to-digest-this Stars !!!

“Why me?”
“Because I lie awake at night, dreaming of all the things I want to do to your body, of leaving marks on your skin so that everyone knows that you are mine. And only mine .... But you fight yourself even as you fight me, and I love that, too. I love watching you squirm, because it gives me some idea of how you'll look when I'm inside you. I want to be your last thought at night, and your first taste at dawn. I want to teach you, own you, control you.”

If I can please have a moment ...

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* Ahem ... * Right .. Now that , that is out of my head err I mean way , we can officially begin the 'Freaking Out' ceremony ... Starting in 3 .... 2 .... 1 ....

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Ah yeah , I've totally lost it ..!!!

Music theme for this book : ">Hunter - 30 Seconds to Mars

Horrorscape is book 2 in the vividly horrifying trilogy called the Horrorscape Series by Nenia Campbell ... If you haven't read this series and are a ginormous fan of dark , disturbing , guaranteed mind-fuck reads , then my friend , this book is totally for you .

3 years ago Valerian Kimble fell in love got involved fell in .. got involved .. Lusted after .. damn ! I don't know what exactly to call it , but yeah , she meet this guy , who totally got her entranced with his good looks and gentlemanly behavior . With his out of the world art skills and cunning as a cat chess tricks . But being with him was such a wrong thing to do . Because while Val thought she was falling for a prince charming ( sometimes ignoring the warning bells that rung very loud and clear in head ) , that man was possessed with the idea of owning her and making her surrender to his needs ! Luckily Val escaped . Thinking that the nightmare is finally over , Val has moved on . But she isn't the same person anymore . Skittish and terrified , she seems to be still in Gavin's hold . And then one day , its like whatever hold she had on her so-called Sanity , came tumbling down ..

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Val , her boyfriend James , her bestie Lisa and another friend of her's , Blake , receive an invitation for a party . Val's invitation is a tad bit different from the others ( scoffs) and that's when the warning bells start ringing again . But is it just Val's paranoia setting in again , or is HE actually back .. to take what's his ??? You'll have to read the book to find the answers to those questions !

You know what reading this book felt like ?

It felt like riding a rusted boogey train through the house of horrors . It felt like watching a car that's obviously lost its brakes , but the driver hasn't realized it yet .. It felt like sailing a ship with a huge hole in the bottom , that's allowing the sea water to fill up your ship and that drowning is inevitable .

Nenia Campbell totally changes the game with this scary sequel . Its darker and has more of a Gothic feel to it . Val and her friends against GM and his squad of players . A game of chess but not on a chessboard . A game of chess that involves real life actions and consequences . Who is going to win ? Who the hell is GM ? More questions , answers to which are laid out as clues throughout the book !

Talking about the characters , lets just say that Gavin still remains my favorite .. I know , I know , everybody is like he is scary and crazy .. A total loon . I agree , he is all that . And there were certain things that I totally wasn't expecting but it happened and all I could do was stare at my computer screen with a huge WTF expression on my face ! The man turns me on and terrifies me at the same time ! I can't help it !

“You needn't look at me like that. I'm not going to attack you.” Val went rigid and the smile became a sultry grin. “I might bite you a little, though.”

* sighs with a dreamy look *

Val .. Val .. Val .. I'm not sure if I should sympathize with her or slap her senseless . I really liked the Val in Fearscape . She had a feisty side to her Which is clearly lost , thanks to Gavin and his madness .. A part of me is convinced though , please don't throw stones at me for saying this .. that she really enjoys what Gavin makes her feel . In a way , in her own twisted , fucked up , she likes the fact the Gavin can take over control of everything around him and use it for his pleasure and advantage , including Val herself ! I can't blame her really .. Have you met the guy yet ?!

See , what this book is trying to do here ... I'm justifying the bad guy's behavior by telling that the main female lead is nuts !!!

I'm totally drowning in all this darkness with my feelings and I'm most definitely loving it !

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James was a total douchebag in book one and hasn't changed much .. Always thinking with his dick . Lisa is still a bitch , but I like the fact that she really worries about Val . Blake , although a mystery figure in the beginning turns out to be quite helpful throughout the book . I liked him .

Another notable point about this book was that , whereas Fearscape was more Val and Gavin centric , Horrorscape takes the readers through the thoughts of the other players involved in this game .. except for Brent .. Brent was a tool !

As I said before , this book is darker from the first . Not sure of that's the real Gavin or is it just that this Gavin is fueled by his desire for Vengeance . Oh and also his desire for Val .

The ending is pretty much a big blow to the head . For a second you just want it to be not true . But realization quickly dawns in and all you can say is WHY and WHAT IF !! Trust me , this series really knows how to fuck with your brains and emotions !

I can't wait to read Terrorscape because things are about to get nasty as hell and I'm not sure how it'll end ! But whatever its going to be its going to be mindfuckery of epic proportions !!

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